Understanding the Past Participle Conjugation of the French Verb Signifier
The French verb signifier translates to mean or signify in English. It’s an essential word when communicating in French, especially when conveying meanings. In this post, we will be exploring its past participle conjugation.
The past participle of signifier is signifié. It is used with the auxiliary verb “avoir” in the perfect tense.
Usage Examples:
- J’ai signifié (I signified)
- Tu as signifié (You signified)
- Il/Elle/On a signifié (He/She/One signified)
- Nous avons signifié (We signified)
- Vous avez signifié (You signified)
- Ils/Elles ont signifié (They signified)
Here are some sentences using the verb signifier in the past participle form:
- J’ai signifié mes intentions. (I signified my intentions.)
- Tu as signifié ton départ. (You signified your departure.)
- Elle a signifié son mécontentement. (She signified her discontent.)
Mastering the conjugation of signifier can significantly improve your communication skills in French.
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