Verbe Draguer: Conjugation in the Indicative Present Tense for Beginners

Verbe Draguer: Conjugation in the Indicative Present Tense for Beginners

The French verb draguer means to flirt or to pick up. Mastering its conjugation in the indicative present tense will enhance your ability to express romantic interests in French. Here are the conjugations:

  • Je drague (I flirt)
  • Tu dragues (You flirt)
  • Il/Elle/On drague (He/She/One flirts)
  • Nous draguons (We flirt)
  • Vous draguez (You flirt)
  • Ils/Elles draguent (They flirt)

Usage Examples:

  1. Je drague souvent dans les bars. (I often flirt in bars.)
  2. Tu dragues trop, calme-toi ! (You flirt too much, calm down!)
  3. Il drague sans arrêt. (He flirts non-stop.)
  4. Nous draguons pour s’amuser. (We flirt for fun.)
  5. Vous draguez avec élégance. (You flirt with elegance.)
  6. Elles draguent discrètement. (They flirt discreetly.)

Mastering the conjugation of draguer will add a fun dimension to your French vocabulary!

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