Mastering the Past Conditional Conjugation of 'Coller' in French
The French verb coller means to stick or to glue. Conjugating coller in the past conditional tense may seem challenging for beginners. However, with practice and understanding, it becomes second nature.
The past conditional, or le conditionnel passé in French, expresses what would have occurred in the past had certain conditions been met. For coller, it’s conjugated with the auxiliary verb “avoir” in the conditional and the past participle “collé”.
Here are the past conditional conjugations of coller:
- J’aurais collé (I would have stuck)
- Tu aurais collé (You would have stuck)
- Il/Elle/On aurait collé (He/She/One would have stuck)
- Nous aurions collé (We would have stuck)
- Vous auriez collé (You would have stuck)
- Ils/Elles auraient collé (They would have stuck)
Usage Examples:
- J’aurais collé l’affiche si j’avais eu de la colle. (I would have stuck the poster if I had had glue.)
- Tu aurais collé les photos dans l’album. (You would have stuck the photos in the album.)
- Il aurait collé l’étiquette sur la boîte. (He would have stuck the label on the box.)
- Nous aurions collé les timbres sur les enveloppes. (We would have stuck the stamps on the envelopes.)
- Vous auriez collé les pièces ensemble. (You would have glued the pieces together.)
- Elles auraient collé les affiches sur le mur. (They would have stuck the posters on the wall.)
The more you practice conjugating verbs in different tenses, the more comfortable you will become with the French language. Keep practicing!
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