Mastering French Verbs: A Beginner's Guide on Conjugating 'Clarifier' in Subjunctive Past - Alternative Form

Mastering French Verbs: A Beginner's Guide on Conjugating 'Clarifier' in Subjunctive Past - Alternative Form

In French, the verb clarifier means ‘to clarify’. Learning to conjugate it in the subjunctive past - alternative form is a step further in mastering French communication.

Here are the conjugations:

  • Que j’aie clarifié (That I clarified)
  • Que tu aies clarifié (That you clarified)
  • Qu’il/elle/on ait clarifié (That he/she/one clarified)
  • Que nous ayons clarifié (That we clarified)
  • Que vous ayez clarifié (That you clarified)
  • Qu’ils/elles aient clarifié (That they clarified)

Usage Examples:

  1. Je doute que j’aie clarifié la situation. (I doubt that I clarified the situation.)
  2. Est-ce que tu aies clarifié tes intentions? (Did you clarify your intentions?)
  3. Il est possible qu’elle ait clarifié ce point. (It is possible that she clarified this point.)
  4. Nous espérons que nous ayons clarifié vos doutes. (We hope that we clarified your doubts.)
  5. Je ne pense pas que vous ayez clarifié le problème. (I don’t think you have clarified the problem.)
  6. Ils craignent qu’elles aient clarifié leurs plans. (They fear that they clarified their plans.)

Understanding and using the verb clarifier correctly can help you express yourself more clearly in French. Keep practicing!

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Stay tuned for more French verb conjugation guides to support your language learning journey!

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