Mastering the French Verb 'Aboyer': A Guide to its Past Subjunctive Conjugation
The French verb aboyer means ‘to bark’. Its conjugation in the past subjunctive tense can be tricky for beginners. This post will guide you through it.
Here are the conjugations for aboyer in the past subjunctive:
- Que j’aie aboyé (That I barked)
- Que tu aies aboyé (That you barked)
- Qu’il/elle/on ait aboyé (That he/she/one barked)
- Que nous ayons aboyé (That we barked)
- Que vous ayez aboyé (That you barked)
- Qu’ils/elles aient aboyé (That they barked)
Usage Examples:
- Il est nécessaire que j’aie aboyé. (It is necessary that I barked.)
- Je doute que tu aies aboyé. (I doubt that you barked.)
- Il est possible qu’elle ait aboyé. (It is possible that she barked.)
- Il est probable que nous ayons aboyé. (It is probable that we barked.)
- Je ne pense pas que vous ayez aboyé. (I don’t think that you barked.)
- Il est improbable qu’elles aient aboyé. (It is unlikely that they barked.)
Mastering the conjugation of aboyer in the past subjunctive will help you express uncertainty or doubt about past events. Keep practicing!
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