Verbe Venir: Conjugaison au Présent avec Exemples Pratiques
The verb venir is widely used in French. Here are its present tense conjugations:
- Je viens (I come)
- Tu viens (You come)
- Il/Elle/On vient (He/She/One comes)
- Nous venons (We come)
- Vous venez (You come)
- Ils/Elles viennent (They come)
Usage Examples:
- Je viens de Paris. (I come from Paris.)
- Tu viens avec moi? (Are you coming with me?)
- Il vient ce soir. (He is coming tonight.)
- Nous venons te chercher à l’aéroport. (We are coming to pick you up at the airport.)
- Vous venez à la fête? (Are you coming to the party?)
- Elles viennent de finir leurs devoirs. (They have just finished their homework.)
Understanding and using venir is essential for talking about movement and origins in French. Keep practicing to enhance your fluency!
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